Fort Walton Beach has a population of 21,368, and has been rated #5 in best places to live in Florida and #8 for best place in Okaloosa County. The median age in Fort Walton Beach is 40.9 and many families, young professionals and military personnel live here. In 2017, veterans who served the Gulf war (2001-) made up 503 of Fort Walton’s population, 1.22 times greater than any other conflict.
This area is famous for its beautiful white, powdery sandy beaches, year-round fishing and Billy Bowlegs celebration. The celebration occurs the first weekend in June and continues the entire weekend. Celebrations include live music, parades, pub crawls and fireworks.
The median household income is $52,107 and the mean commute to work is 19 minutes, with 36% of residents both work and reside in Fort Walton Beach.
Fort Walton Beach has a suburban feel to it and the residents tend to lean conservative. The median property value is $195,052 and most families own their home with a homeownership rate of 54.9% with 10,383 total housing units.
To become a homeowner, or search for your next home in Fort Walton Beach, begin your search here:
The following topics will be covered on this page:
The housing data comes mostly from the 2018 American Community Survey from the Census Bureau, covering housing supply, occupancy, owner vs. renter costs and financing data and basic home characteristics.
NEXT >>>
The total number of housing units in Fort Walton Beach is 10,383, 65% of them are single detached homes.
89% of these units are occupied and of those 55% are owner occupied housing.
Monthly Costs & Financing
The median rental rate is $1204, and 91% of renters pay for their utilities separate from their rent.
Median monthly owner costs are $963.00, which includes costs associated with mortgage, utilities, homeowner’s insurance, etc.
The median housing costs for owners without mortgages is $460.
There are 59% homeowner’s with mortgages and 41% do not have an mortgage.
The average real estate taxes are $1,375.
House Values & Characteristics
The household size for families in Fort Walton Beach is 3.1.
The median number of rooms in a typical home is 5.4
The median year that a house was built is 1970. 67% of homes are being heated with electricity and 31% by Natural gas.
The demographics data comes from the most recent data available from the Census Bureau released in December 2018.
The total population of Fort Walton Beach is 21,368 and the median age is 40.9.
The average size of a typical family is 3.1.
The education levels of adult residents of Fort Walton Beach is a above average, with more than half either with a bachelor’s degree or some college.
The majority of the residents are married, at 46%.
The overall crime rate in Fort Walton Beach is 12% higher than the national average. For every 100,000 people, there are 8.43 daily crimes that occur, and any person has a 1 in 33 chance of becoming a victim of any crime. Not included in this crime rate reporting is child sex offender, to check the child sex offenders, search this registry.
The local economy and labor force data comes from the most recent economic data from the 2018 Census Bureau and the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The median household income is %52,107 with the median earnings per worker is $30,989.
5% of workers in the labor force are self-employed.
The percentage of house holds that had retirement income is 19%
The monthly unemployment rate for the area is 5%
The monthly labor force participation which are people actively looking for work is 67%
The average commute time to work is 19 minutes and the percentage of people who work and live in Fort Walton Beach is 36%.
If you are new to the area, or in need of child care for the first time, the following child care services are available here. (Please note, this is for information purposes only, it is not an endorcement of any child care facility).
Childcare Network #41
800 Falcon Place
Fort Walton Beach 32548
850.862.0512 (call or text)
For ages 6 weeks to 12 years
Hours: M-F 6:15am-6pm
Child Care Facility
Capacity: 100 children
Childcare Network #142
108 Jet Drive NW
Ages 6 weeks to 12 years
Hours: 6am-6pm
Capacity: 254 children
Childcare Network #40
644 A Anchors St.
Ages 6 weeks-12 years
Hours: 6:15am-6:00pm
Capacity: 150 children
Kid’s Discovery 1
240 Green Acres Rd.
Fort Walton Beach 32547
Fax: 850.862.2138
Tuition prices can be found here. Visit the website for more information.
Hours: call for information
Capacity: 327 children
Grow with Us Learning Academy
314 Carmel Drive
Hours: M-F 6am-6pm
Capacity: 104 children
Weitzel Family Daycare
Hours: M-Sat 6am-5:30pm
Our Little School House
505 Hollywood Blvd. E
Mary Esther 32569
Hours: M-F 6:30am-5:30pm
Closed Sat & Sun
The Children’s Center
343 Holmes Blvd.
Fax: 850.243.3405
Hours: 6:30am-5:30pm
Capacity: 188 children
Wanda Dorn Williams Childcare
2 Jonquil Ave., NW
Hours: M-F 630am-5pm
Home Child Care
Capacity: 10 children
McGriff’s Family Child Care
57 Hemlock Dr., NW
Terris Child Care Services
317 Oakland Circle, NW
The wRight Day Care
136 Patrick Drive
Capacity: 75 children
Happy Days Daycare, LLC
8 Walter Martin Rd., NE
Hours: 6:30am-6pm
Capacity: 45 children
Creative Play School
11 Vine Ave. NE
Hours: 7:30am-4:30pm
Stokes Family Day Care
1325 Blueberry Ln.
Hours: M-F 8am-5pm
Home Day Care
Adams Family Day Care
1853 Laurel Oaks Ct.
Hours: M-F 7:30am-5:30pm
Byrd Family Day Care
950 Southern Oaks Ct.
Hours: call for more info
Allaire Family Day Care
714 Overbrook Dr.
Blue Family Day Care
242 Carmel Dr.
Hamma and Bampa’s TLC Recreation Center
502 Schneider Dr.
Hours: visit their site for more information
Capacity: 139 children
Foreman Family Day Care
102 King St. NW
Hours: call for more information
Goodman Family Day Care
406 Elaine Ave. NW
Bowen Family Day Care
440 Kanuha Dr.
Jackson Family Day Care
219 Burnette Ave. NW
All Stars Preschool and Child Care
101 Scranton St.
Capacity: 99 children
Kid’s Place
321 Racetrack Rd NE
Hours: M-F 9am-3pm
Capacity: 31
102 Tooke St.
Capacity: 93 children
Godfrey Family Day Care
616 Camborne Ave NE
Mcnabb Family Day Care
509 Manchester Rd.
Little People’s Place of Ft. Walton Beach
110 Truxton Ave
Hours: Sat & Sun 11am-5pm
Capacity: 30 children
Cinco Baptist School
26 Yacht Club Dr. NE
Religious Exempt Facility
Capacity: N/A
The Creative Play School
11 Vine Ave NE
Learning Adventures
310 Woodrow St. NE
Capacity: 94 children
Montessori Learning Center
28 Miracle Strip Pkwy SW, Suite 2
Capacity: 39 children
City of FWB Recreation Center
132 Jet Dr. NW
Hours: visit website or call for information
Chester Pruitt Head Start Center
15 Carson Dr. SE
Capacity: 34 children
Fort Walton Head Start Center
22 Mcgriff St NE
Capacity: 140 children
Simmons Family Day Care
100 Methodist Ave SE
Compare all schools here
Wright Elementary
305 Lang Road
Fax: 850.833.3584
Wright Elementary is rated #15 for best public elementary school in Okaloosa County and #615 in Florida. There are 662 students grades PK, K-5 with a student teacher ratio of 14 to 1.
Math Proficiency: 63%
Reading Proficiency: 58%
Elliot Point Elementary
301 Hughes Street
FWB 32548
Elliott Point is rated #918 in best public elementary school in Florida. It has 612 students in grades PK, K-5 with a student teacher ratio of 14 to 1.
Math Proficiency: 59%
Reading Proficiency: 52%
Kenwood Elementary
15 Eagle Street NE,
Fax: 850.833.3597
Kenwood Elementary rates #12 in best public elementary school in Okaloosa County and #458 in Florida. It has 645 students in grades PK, K-5 with a student teacher ratio of 15 to 1.
Math Proficiency: 71%
Reading Proficiency: 63%
Liza Jackson Preparatory School
546 Mary Esther Cut Off, Suite 1
Fort Walton Beach, 32548
Fax: 850.833.3292
Liza Jackson is a highly rated public charter school, rated #1 in best public elementary schools in Okaloosa County. There are 848 students in grades K-8, with a student teacher ratio of 15 to 1. The average proficiency test scores in math and languages are 63% higher than Florida’s average.
Math Proficiency: 86%
Reading Proficiency: 79%
Annette P. Edwins Elementary School
7 Wright Pkwy. SW
Fort Walton Beach
Edwins Elementary is ranked #867 in best public elementary schools in Florida, #19 in Okaloosa County and #6 in Fort Walton Beach. They are an above average school with 466 students in grades PK-5 and a student teacher ratio of 14 to 1.
Math Proficiency: 62%
Max Bruner Junior Middle School
322 Holmes Blvd. NW
Main Office: (850) 833-3266 Fax: (850) 833-3434 Attendance: x1411 Clinic: x1426 Discipline: x1404 Guidance: x1415 or 1401 Office Hours: 7:00-3:00
Bruner Middle school is ranked#10 in best public middle schools in Okaloosa county, #337 in Florida and #7561 in America. They are an above average middle school serving 740 students in grades 6-8 with a student teacher ratio of 18 to 1.
Math Proficiency: 55%
Reading Proficiency: 61 %
W.C. Pryor Middle School
201 Racetrack Rd., NW
FWB 32547
Fax: 850.833.4276
This school has 607 students in grades 6-8, with a student teacher ratio of 18 to 1.
Math Proficiency: 44%
Reading Proficiency: 60%
Choctawhatchee Senior High School
110 Racetrack Rd., NW
Fax: 850.833.3410
This high school is rated #4 in best public high school in Okaloosa County. There are 1,615 students in grades 9-12, with a student teacher ratio of 19 to 1.
Graduation Rate: 89%
Math Proficiency: 49%
Reading Proficiency: 57%
Average SAT (out of 1600): 1160
Average ACT (out of 36): 26
AP Enrollment: 45%
Fort Walton Beach High School
400 Hollywood Blvd., SW
Fax: 850.833.3332
This high school is rated #3 in best public high schools in Okaloosa County and #86 in Florida. It has 1,638 students in grades 9-12 with a student teacher ratio of 20 to 1.
Graduation Rate: 88%
Reading Proficiency: 59%
Average SAT (out of 1600): 1170
AP Enrollment: 35%
Fort Walton Medical Center
1000 Mar-Walt Drive, FWB 32547
Acute care medical facility. They have 247 beds, an Emergency room, ICU, maternity unit and a heart center.
Airforce Armament Museum
100 Museum Dr.
Eglin AFB 32542
Museum Foundation: 850.651.1808
Open M-F 9:30am-4:30pm, Closed on Federal Holidays
Admission is Free
The Air Force Armament Museum receives about 80,000 visitors per year. It is the only museum in the world dedicated to the collection, preservation and exhibition of artifacts and memorabilia associated with Air Force Armament and its platforms of delivery. There is a 32-minute film on the history of Eglin Air Force Base that is shown throughout the day. There is so much to see and tour in this museum that it may take more than one day to see everything. Please visit their site for more information.
Okaloosa Island Fishing Pier
850.244.1023 Fax 850. 244.7105 1030 Miracle Strip Pkwy. E. Ft. Walton Beach, FL 32548
Open 24/7. Winter (mid Oct.-mid March) 5am-9pm.
Admission: Adults $8.00
Seniors 65+ $7.00
Children 6-12 yrs. $5.00
Children 5 and below Free
Visitors, that are not fishing: $2.00 age 6 and up.
Visit their website for more information.
Goofy Golf
401 Egin Parkway, NE
Hours & Admission:
Open M-F 3:00pm-8:30pm
Sat and Sun 10am-8:30pm
Visit their site for more information.
1010 Miracle Strip Pkwy. SE, Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548 Phone(s): (850) 243-9046 & (850) 8575
Open daily from 9am-4:30pm/ Closed on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day
Admission: General Admission is $23.95/ Children (3-12 yrs) is $15.95/ Seniors (ages over 61) $22.95/ Infants (Age 2 and younger) Free Discounts: Florida Residents (13-61) $19.16/ Florida Seniors (62 and up) $18.36/ Florida Children (3-12 yrs) $12.76 Military Adult (13-61) $21.56/ Military Senior (62 and up) $20.66/ Military Child (3-12 yrs) $14.36
The Gulfarium is an interactive aquarium for sea life native to the Gulf of Mexico. There are displays and exhibits as well as live shows and a chance to be up close and feed or touch some of the sea life. There is a gift shop and a refreshment and snack shop as well. Visit their website for more information.
Liza Jackson Park
132 Jet Drive
Open: daily 6am-11pm
Emerald Coast Science Center
31 SW Memorial Pkwy.,
Hours: Wed-Sat: 10am-4pm, Closed Sun-Tue
Admission: General Admission $8.00 for children and Seniors, $10 for Adults
Discounts: Locals Discount $1.00 discount, Military Discount, with ID, get 10% discount on everything.
Free Days: Mother’s Day for mom, father’s day for dad, Armed forces weekend for all active duty families. Grandparent’s weekend for grandparents.
The Indian Temple Mound Museum
139 Miracle Strip Pkwy, SE,
FWB 32548 The Historic Buildings (Camp Walton Schoolhouse Museum, Garnier Post Office Museum, and Civil War Exhibits) are located at 127 Miracle Strip Pkwy SE, Fort Walton Beach. They are physically located on the same property as the Indian Temple Mound Museum. Admission: Adults (18+) $5.30/ Seniors (55+) $4.77 & Military (with ID) $4.77/ Children (4-17 yrs) $3.18/ Children (3 and under) Free
The Indian Temple Mound was erected approximately 1400 AD, by Florida native tribesmen from the local to northern portions of Florida, focused on the native people of Fort Walton Beach. This was a political and cultural center for the people of the beach and north-western Florida. The museum covers all aspects of their culture, heritage and lives from 12000 BC to the 1950s, with a collection of stone tools to bone artifacts and native pottery. The museum, through interactive exhibits, explores the impact to the native people by European colonization.