Niceville has a population of 15,249, with 5,994 housing units, of which 76% are detached single family houses.
Most adult residents in Niceville are married and have a high school degree or equivalent. Niceville is rated #87 for best places to raise a family in Florida.
Niceville is rated #51 in the safest places to live in Florida. The crime rate is low, and most crime reported in property, non-violent crimes.
Many families and young professionals and military personnel live in Niceville and tend to lean conservative.
The median household income in Niceville is $66,505, with the median individual earnings is $44,040. Most income is from wages and 20% of the population receive income from investment & retirement income. The median commute to work for workers in Niceville is 24 minutes, and 27% of the commuters live and work in Niceville.
The public schools in Niceville are highly rated with all of the school having the highest ratings in Okaloosa County.
The median house value in Niceville is $211,800 and 92% of the houses in Niceville are occupied, and most residents, 71%, own their homes.
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The following topics will be covered on this page:
The housing data comes mostly from the 2018 American Community Survey from the Census Bureau, covering housing supply, occupancy, owner vs. renter costs and financing data and basic home characteristics.
There are 5,994 housing units in Niceville, 76% of them are detached single family houses.
92% of housing is occupied in Niceville, and of those 71% are homeowners, 29% are renters.
Monthly Costs & Financing
Homeowners median monthly costs are $1,114, which includes mortgage, insurance and property taxes. Median property taxes in Niceville is $1,546.
60% of homeowners have a mortgage, the 40% of homeowners that don’t have mortgage, the median monthly payments are $489.
Renters median monthly costs are $996, and 91% of renters pay for their own utilities outside of rent payments.
House Characteristics & Values
The median house value in Niceville is $211,800, and the median year of houses built is 1984.
The average household size in Niceville is 2.7, and average family size is 3.2.
The average number of rooms in houses is 5.7.
The demographics data comes from the most recent data available from the Census Bureau released in December 2018.
The total population in Niceville is 15,249, 48.3% male and 51.7% female.
The median age of Niceville residents is 37 years; 36 male and 38 female.
Most adult residents in Niceville are married and have a high school degree or equivalent.
The crime rate in Niceville is low, and most crime reported is property, non-violent crimes.
Not included in this crime rate reporting is child sex offenders, to check the child sex offenders, search this registry.
The local economy and labor force data comes from the most recent economic data from the 2018 Census Bureau and the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The median household income in Niceville is $66,505, with the median individual earnings is $44,040.
Most income is from wages and 20% of the population receive income from investment & retirement income.
The median commute to work for workers in Niceville is 24 minutes, and 27% of the commuters live and work in Niceville.
If you are new to the area, or in need of child care for the first time, the following child care services are available here. (Please note, this is for information purposes only, it is not an endorsement of any child care facility).
La Petite Academy of Niceville
4400 Hwy 20, #710
Open M-F 6am-6:30pm
They serve children ages 6 weeks to 12 years.
Child Care Facility
Capacity: 156 children
Childcare Network #39
412 Government St.
Valparaiso 32580
Open M-F 6:15am-6:pm
Serves children ages 6 weeks-12 years
Discovery Learning Academy
4565 Commercial Drive
Child care Facility
Capacity: 183 children
Kids Discovery #7
74 S. Jon Sims Parkway
Fax: 850.279.0029
They offer a live webcam for parents who’s children attend.
Tuition schedule is available on their website.
Crosspoint Academy
214 Partin Dr. S
Niceville 32578
Capacity: 285 children
St. Paul Lutheran Preshool
1407 John Sims Pkwy. E
Niceville 32579
Capacity: 50 children
Turner Family Day Care
113 Oak Shores Dr.
Home Day Care
Capacity: 10 children
Brown Family Day Care
340 Grove Park Dr
The Montessori School for the Arts
410 Fir Ave.
They are a VPK provider and that program is free.
Visit their site for rates and programs available.
Capacity: 20 children
Pam’s Lighthouse Learning Center
1345, 1209 47th Street
They have a preschool program. Visit their site for more details.
They open at 6:30am.
Capacity: 38 children
Happyland Preschool
1018 White Point Road
They have been voted 1st place for finest preschool on the Emerald Coast in 2018.
Visit their site or call for more program information.
Capacity: 45 children
Bricks Kidz
915 E. John Sims Pkwy.
They have a preschool program.
Visit their site or call for rates and program information.
Child Development and Education Center
100 Collge Blvd.
Bldg 530
Child Care facility
Capacity: 55 children
Wehling Family Day Care
142 Wright Cir.
Niceville Head Start Center
4580 Range Rd.
Capacity: 40 children
Compare all schools here
4545 Range Rd.
Fax: 850.833.4232
Bluewater Elementary is a highly rated public school with 894 students in grades PK-5. They are rated #4 in best public elementary schools in Okaloosa County and #162 in the state of Florida. They have a student teacher ratio of 16 to 1.
Math Proficiency: 88%
Reading Proficiency: 84%
300 Hwy 85 N.
Fax: 850.833.3496
Edge is rated #2 for best public elementary schools in Okaloosa County and #145 in the state of Florida. They have 615 students in grades PK-5 with a student teacher ratio of 16 to 1.
Math Proficiency: 87%
Reading Proficiency: 77%
Fax: 850.833.4103
Plew Elementary is a highly rated public elementary school with 778 students in grades PK-5 with a student teacher ratio of 16 to 1. They are rated #5 for best public elementary schools in Okaloosa County and #177 in the state of Florida.
Math Proficiency: 85%
201 Partin Dr.
Fax: 850.833.3291
Ruckel Middle school is rated #6 for best public middle schools in Okaloosa County and rated #115 in the state of Florida. They have 1,012 students in grades 6-8 with a student teacher ratio of 20 to 1.
Math Proficiency: 77%
Reading Proficiency: 89%
800 E. John Sims Pkwy.
Fax: 850.833.4267
Niceville High School is a highly rated school with 1,977 students in grades 9-12 with a student teacher ratio of 21 to 1. They are rated #2 for best public high schools in Okaloosa County and #56 in Florida.
Math Proficiency: 73%
Reading Proficiency: 73%
Graduation Rate: 98%
Average SAT (out of 1600): 1230
Average ACT (out of 36): 27
AP Enrollment: 33%
Collegiate High School at Northwest State College
100 College Blvd. E
This is a highly rated public charter high school, rated #1 in Niceville and Okaloosa County. The average proficiency test scores in math and languages is 87% higher than the Florida average. There are 286 Students in grades 10-12 with a 57 to 1 student teacher ratio.
Math Proficiency: 90%
Reading Proficiency: 95%
Graduation Rate: 95%
Average SAT (out of 1600): 1240
Average ACT (out of 36): 28
Twin Cities Hospital
2190 Hwy. 85 N.
Twin Cities is a full service acute care hospital. The have been awarded the following:
Patient Safety Excellence Award™ (2018, 2017)
Top in the nation for providing excellence in patient safety by preventing infections, medical errors, and other preventable complications
Outstanding Patient Experience Award™ (2018)
Top in the nation for overall patient experience based on nine measures related to doctor and nurse communication, hospital cleanliness and noise levels, and medication and post-discharge care instructions
The Manor at Blue Water Bay
1500 N. White Point Rd.
This is a 120 bed nursing home/assisted living facility which has been rated better than average.
Fred Gannon Rocky Bayou State Park
4281 State Rd. 20
Open 365 days a year from 8am-sundown.
Admission: $5.00 per vehicle of 2-8 people, $4.00 for single occupant, $2.00 pedestrians, bicycle or an extra pass. $16.00 camping per night. $5.00 boat ramp, and $75.00 pavilion rental.
Features of this park includes hiking, walking trail, a view of the Choctawhatchee Bay, fishing, boating and kayaking, canoeing. There is a playground, pet walking and a variety of festivals and events.
Turkey Creek Nature Trail
340 John Sims Pkwy.
Open at 6:30am until 20 minutes before sunset.
A wonderful place to visit in Niceville. The city prides itself on providing a great place for gatherings under the pavilion, swim areas to brig the family to and quiet spots to enjoy the beauty surrounding you. You’ll see canoeing, kayaking and tubing for all ages. Trail markers describe the vegetation along the boardwalk. There is truly something for everyone at Turkey Creek.
Mission Escape Adventure Rooms
4544 HWY 20
Open Tues-Thurs. 2-8:30pm, Fri. 12:15-9:45pm, sat. 10am-10:30pm, Closed on Sundays.
Visit their website or call for admission costs or discounts and any further information.
Mission escape adventure rooms is a challenging, thought-provoking and entertaining game that offers a series of secret agent stories with supporting riddles, puzzles and obscure clues devoted to providing you with a great time!
Friends, families and groups will all enjoy working together with their agent handler to solve the challenging riddles and puzzles that support exciting storylines.
Dog Park
208 Partin Dr. N, intersection of HWY 85 N. and College Blvd.
850.279.6436, ext. 3002
Opens at dawn and closes at 10pm daily.
The dog park is a 4-acre shaded area adjacent to the Mullet Festival grounds. This park features an unleashing area, picnic tables, fencing around the perimeter, watering stations, lots of shaded area and parking.
Niceville Children’s Park
204 North Partin Dr.
850.279.6436 ext. 1402
Park Hours: Wed.-Sat 9am-6pm, Sun 1pm-6pm
Water Spray Park Hours: Wed-Sat 10am-5pm, Sun 1pm-5pm
The children’s park features soft ground playground throughout which is safer and keeps the park cleaner. They have Dinosaurs, monkey bars, bubble machine, rock climbing structure, slides, sandbox with pail and shovels.
The water spray park features palm trees that spray water and has coconuts that fill with water and dumps down, mushrooms that spray water and a Blue Heron that sprays water when children walk by.
There are picnic tables and vending machines on the premises. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times.