Mary Esther has a population of 4,177, and has been rated #1 in best places to live in Okaloosa county and one of the best places to live in Florida. The median age in Mary Esther is 45.2 and many families, young professionals and military personnel live here. In 2017, veterans who served the Gulf war (2001) made up 272 of Mary Esther’s population, 1.03 times greater than any other conflict. The median household income is $56,186 and the mean commute to work is 24 minutes, with 11% of residents both work and residing in Mary Esther.
Mary Esther has a suburban feel to it and the residents tend to lean conservative. The median property value is $160,000 and most families own their home with a homeownership rate of 68% with 2,014 total housing units in.
To become a homeowner, or search for your next home in Mary Esther, begin your search here:
The following topics will be covered on this page:
The housing data comes mostly from the 2018 American Community Survey from the Census Bureau, covering housing supply, occupancy, owner vs. renter costs and financing data and basic home characteristics.
There are 2,014 total housing units in Mary Esther. 1,707 are occupied, 87.2% and of those 68% are occupied by the homeowner.
73.4% of homeowner homes are family households, 52.6 of rented homes are family households.
84% of the homes in Mary Esther are single detached homes.
Monthly Costs & Financing
The median monthly costs for Mary Esther homeowners is $1,301, which includes tax, mortgage, and insurance. The median property taxes are $1,080.
The median monthly costs for renters is $1090, with 96% of renters pay for their own utilities, not included in monthly rent.
The median monthly costs with a mortgage is $1,515 and without a mortgage is $474.
House Values & Characteristics
84% of homes units in Mary Esther are one unit detached homes. Building with 2 units, like townhomes are 5% of the unit supply. Buildings with 5-9 units in them are 4% of the supply and finally 6% of the units consist of structures with 50 or more housing units in them.
The median year of houses built in Mary Esther is 1971.
The median property value is $160,000.
The demographics data comes from the most recent data available from the Census Bureau released in December 2018.
Mary Esther’s total population is 4,177, males 49.2% and females 51% of the population.
The average family size in Mary Esther is 3 and the median age is 45.2 years.
More than half of Mary Esther’s adult population is currently married and have an Associate’s degree or some college.
Crime in Mary Esther is much lower than the average of Florida or the nation’s average. Not included in this crime rate reporting is child sex offenders, search the child sex offenders at this registry.
The local economy and labor force data comes from the most recent economic data from the 2018 Census Bureau and the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The median Household income of the residents of Mary Esther is $56,186. The median worker earning is $40,333, $56,788 for the self-employed. 63% of the Mary Esther population participates in the civilian labor force and the current unemployment rate is 2%.
The mean commute to work is 24 minutes, with only 11% of residents both live and work in Mary Esther.
If you are new to the area, or in need of child care for the first time, the following child care services are available here. (Please note, this is for information purposes only, it is not an endorsement of any child care facility).
Regina Pledgers Home Day Care
220 W. Lorraine Drive
Mary Esther 32569
Hours: M-F 6:30am-5pm
Home Child Care
Capacity: 10 children
Kid’s Discovery 2
2265 Hwy. 98 West
Fax: 850.581.5757
Child Care Facility
Capacity: 242 children
Tuition Prices can be found here.
Griffin Family Day Care
821 Linda Dr.
Home Day Care
Our Little School House
505 Hollywood Blvd. E
Hours: M-F 6:30am-5:30pm
Closed Sat & Sun
Child Care Faciltiy
Capacity: 60 children
Cunningham Family Day Care
358 Brookwood Blvd.
Hours: call for more information
Little Angels Preschool
703 Miracle Strip Pkwy
Visit their site for hours and programs available and more information.
Capacity: 61 children
Compare all schools here
Mary Esther Elementary School
320 E. Miracle Strip Pkwy.
Mary Esther Elementary School is rated #10 best public school in Okaloosa County. It has 577 students in grades PK, K-5, with a student teacher ratio of 14 to 1.
Math Proficiency: 73%
Reading Proficiency: 58%
Florosa Elementary School
1700 HWY 98 West
Fax: 850.833.4391
Florosa Elementary school has 535 students in grades PK, K-5 with a student teacher ratio of 14 to 1. Test scores place them 30% higher than the state average in education. They are rated #14 as best public elementary school in Okaloosa County.
Math Proficiency: 75%
Reading Proficiency: 56%
Azalea Park
5 Azalea Drive
Mary Esther
Azalea park was renovated in 2004 and has basketball court, a jogging trail, playground and picnic table pavilions. No bathroom facility.
Oak Tree Park
300 N. Lorraine Drive
This park has a shuffleboard court, 3 pavilions with picnic tables and BBQ grills, basketball court, playground. There are only 3 parking spaces. No bathroom facility.
Bryn Mawr Park
600 Sussex Road
Bryn Mawr Park has some picnic tables and pavilions and a playground. No bathroom facility.
Springdale Park
25 Mary Esther Drive
This park has picnic area, playground, t-ball field, little league field and bleachers. There are 40+ parking spaces. There are no bathrooms available unless there is a Little League game in session.
This park is also home to the Mary Esther Community Garden. Visit their site for more information.
Oak Tree Nature Park
150 W. US HWY 98
25 acres with Nature trail, picnic pavilion with 4 tables, grills. No bathroom facilities.
Elliott Park
254 Elliott Rd.
Playground equipment, picnic tables with covered pavilion, BBQ grills, tennis court and off-street parking. There are no bathroom facilities.
Mary Esther City Pier and Boat Ramp
17 Misty Water Drive
Boat ramp and fishing pier, 3 pavilion and picnic tables. Limited parking. No bathroom facilities.