Valparaiso has 1,822 housing units and a population of 4,996 and one of the best places to live in Florida. They are rated #6 in best places to live in Okaloosa County.
Valparaiso has a suburban feel, with many young professionals and military personnel reside and tend to lean conservative.
The public schools in Valparaiso are highly rated.
86% of homes are occupied and of those occupied homes 61 are the homeowners. Most residents own their home.
To become a homeowner, or search for your next home, begin your search here:
The following topics will be covered on this page:
The housing data comes mostly from the 2018 American Community Survey from the Census Bureau, covering housing supply, occupancy, owner vs. renter costs and financing data and basic home characteristics.
There are 1,822 housing units in Valparaiso, 79% of those are single detached homes.
86% of the housing units are occupied and 61% are homeowners and 39% are renters.
Monthly Costs & Financing
Median monthly costs for homeowners in Valparaiso is $1,035, which includes mortgage, homeowner’s insurance and property taxes. Median property taxes are $1,381.
More than half of homeowners have a mortgage on their home. The median monthly costs with mortgage is $1,401 and without mortgage is $498.
Median monthly costs for renters is $1,063 and 100% of renters in Valparaiso pay for their own utilities outside of their rent payments.
Most commonly heating fuel used in homes in Valparaiso is Electricity, 55%. Natural gas is the second most common with 42%. 3% of homes are using solar power.
House Values & Characteristics
The median year of houses built in Valparaiso is 1969. The median value is $203,500.
43% of homes are valued $100,000 to 200,000.
The demographics data comes from the most recent data available from the Census Bureau released in December 2018.
The population in Valparaiso is 4,996, most of them are in their 20’s, however, the median age is 30.5 years (males 27.7 and female is 34.6).
Most residents are married or never been married.
Adult residents in Valparaiso are fairly highly educated, with most having some college, or an Associate’s degree.
The overall crime rate is 60% lower than the Florida average, and 57% than the national average. Crime rates broken up between violent crime and property crime shows that violent crime is 59% lower than national level, and 61% lower than the average in Florida. Property crime average is 57% lower than national average and 59% lower than the Florida average.
Not included in this crime rate reporting is child sex offender, to check the child sex offenders, search this registry.
The local economy and labor force data comes from the most recent economic data from the 2018 Census Bureau and the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The median household income for those in Valparaiso is $57,269 and the median earning per individual is $40,952. Most income comes from wages.
The median commute to work for Valparaiso residents is 16 minutes. 34% of workers in Valparaiso work and live in Valparaiso.
If you are new to the area, or in need of child care for the first time, the following child care services are available here. (Please note, this is for information purposes only, it is not an endorsement of any child care facility).
Kids Discovery #7
74 South John Sims Pkwy.
Valparaiso 32580
Fax: 850.279.0029
Kid’s Discovery has video surveillance for parents to view their children anytime while their children are in their facility.
Child Care Facility
Capacity: 283 children
Childcare Network #39
412 Government Street
850.678.8290 (call or text)
Hours: M-F 6:15am-6pm.
Ages Served: 6 weeks to 12 years.
Capacity: 150 children
Angels are US Learning Center
170 N. John Sims Pkwy
Capacity: 30 children
Noah’s Ark Preschool & Daycare
571 Valparaiso Pkwy.
Religious Exempt Facility
Capacity: 162 children
Pugh Family Day Care
319 Chicago Ave
Home Day Care
Capacity: 10 children
Gailey Family Day Care
333 Edge Ave
Compare all schools here
(Addie R.) Lewis School
This is usually called Middle School, but it has grades PK-8.
281 Mississippi Ave.
There are 625 students in grades PK-8, with a student teacher ratio of 13 to 1. They are a highly rated school, rated #4 in best public middle schools in Okaloosa County.
Math Proficiency: 78%
Reading Proficiency: 64%
Niceville High School
Students in Valparaiso are bused to Niceville High School
800 E. John Sis Pkwy.
Niceville 32578
Fax: 850.833.4267
Niceville High School has 1,977 students in grades 9-12 with a student teacher ratio of 21 to 1. They are rated #2 for best public high schools in Okaloosa County and rated #56 in all of Florida.
Math Proficiency: 73%
Reading Proficiency: 73%
Graduation Rate: 98%
Average SAT (out of 1600): 1230
Average ACT (out of 36): 27
AP Enrollment: 33%
The Heritage Museum of Northwest Florida
115 Westview Ave.
The mission of the Heritage Museum of Northwest Florida is to collect, preserve and study historical artifacts pertaining to Northwest Florida. Since 1971, they have collected and preserved material culture pertaining to local and regional history. They have an extensive collection of artifacts, textiles, and documents which are made available to the public.
Doolittle Park
John Sims Pkwy.
This park was designed as a remembrance of all those who have served in our military. The park is 1.2 acre and named after General James Doolittle, an American aviation pioneer. During WWII, many pilots trained at what is now Eglin Air Force Base.
A special group, Doolittle Raiders, trained here for their bombing mission over Japan under the leadership of General Doolittle. They trained at auxiliary fields where a runway the length of an aircraft flight deck was marked off to practice takeoffs.
There is a time capsule placed by the city of Valparaiso as part of their bicentennial celebration and planned to be opened in 2076.
Florida Park
Florida Ave and South Bayshore Drive
This 3.45 acre park is a peaceful spot. There is a concrete walkway throughout the park. Amenities includes rest rooms, shower, picnic area, wooden bridge, swings, playground equipment and a 24 hour boat ramp.
Lincoln Park
1217 N. Bayshore Dr.
6.5 Acre park located off of the Boggy Bayou on Bayshore drive. This park has swimming area, picnic area, restrooms, showers, playground equipment and a 24 hour boat ramp.
South Bayshore Dr.
This is fishing pier in the shape of a “T” hence T-Pier name, located off of Bayshore Dr in Tom’s Bayou. There is a 24 hour fishing pier, 2 cleaning stations and a rest room.
Twin Cities Park
170 John Sims Pkwy.
There is a 24 hour boat ramp, picnic area and rest rooms.
Glen Argyle Park
A 4 acre park with paved walk ways for walking or jogging. Amenities include 1/5 mile concrete walkway, wooden bridge, benches, gazebo with swing, picnic area and rest rooms.