Freeport has a population of 2,688, and has been rated #657 in best places to live in Florida. The median age is 42.7 and many families, young professionals and military personnel live here. In 2017, veterans who served the Gulf war (2001-) made up 106 of Freeport’s population, 1.15 times greater than any other conflict.
The median household income is $46,875 and the mean commute to work is 29 minutes, with 29% of residents both work and reside in Freeport.
Freeport has a suburban feel to it and the residents tend to lean conservative. The public schools are above average. The median property value is $205,800 and most families own their home with a homeownership rate of 67% with 1,077 total housing units in Freeport.
To become a homeowner, or search for your next home in Freeport, begin your search here:
The following topics will be covered on this page:
The housing data comes mostly from the 2018 American Community Survey from the Census Bureau, covering housing supply, occupancy, owner vs. renter costs and financing data and basic home characteristics.
There are 1,077 housing units in Freeport. 83% are occupied and 67% are owner occupied and 33% are renters.
Of the 1,077 units, 63% of them are single detached homes, followed by 23% mobile homes and 12% are buildings with 2 to 9 units (condo’s or apartment buildings).
Monthly Costs & Financing
The median homeowner costs are $1,078 per month, which includes mortgage, utilities, insurance and taxes. The median rent costs are $955 per month, and 96% of renters pay for their own utilities.
Most homes in Freeport are mortgaged.
The median monthly costs for homeowners with a mortgage is $1456, without a mortgage it drops to $314.
House Values & Characteristics
The median year of houses built is 2002. Most homes built in Freeport were built between 2000-2009, showing a huge housing increase in Freeport.
The median house value in Freeport is $205,800.
The median home value is $205,800.
The median property taxes: $1,240.
Average number of rooms is 5.3
Average Household size is 2.6 (the size of all those that live in the same housing unit) and average family size is 3.4 (those that share the same housing unit and are related).
The most commonly used heating fuel in homes in Freeport is electricity (83%), Natural gas utility is next with 14% and rarely, 1% is Tank or LP gas.
The demographics data comes from the most recent data available from the Census Bureau released in December 2018.
The total population is 2,688. The highest population in Freeport is under 20 years.
The median age in Freeport is 42.7 years. 36.1 for males and 37.3 for females.
Most of the Freeport adult population (67%) is currently married.
Most of Freeport’s adult population has some college or an Associate’s Degree.
Crime rate chart is the national average. Crime is low in Freeport, residents have about a 1 in 93 chance of becoming a victim of any crime. Freeport is safer than 71% of the cities in the United States.
Not included in this crime rate reporting is child sex offender, to check the child sex offenders, search this registry.
The local economy and labor force data comes from the most recent economic data from the 2018 Census Bureau and the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
In Freeport, total civilian labor force is 1,306, or 62% of the population. The unemployment rate is 4%.
The median household income is $46,875, and median earnings from work $36,302.
The mean commute to work for Freeport residents is 29 minutes, and 29% of the workers work and live in Freeport.
If you are new to the area, or in need of child care for the first time, the following child care services are available here. (Please note, this is for information purposes only, it is not an endorsement of any child care facility).
First Steps Learning Academy
1588 FL-20
Freeport 32439
This is a licensed childcare facility serving infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. They strive to educate each child and provides quarterly evaluations, using a variety of assessment tools and personalize lessons accordingly.
Hours: 7 days/week 6am-7pm
Child Care Facility
Capacity: 38 children
TLC Kids Care Preschool
18725 US Hwy. 331, S.
Rates: Infants $175.00 week
1-5 years $145.00 week
After School care $50.00 week
Visit their site for more information and other rates they offer.
Hours: M-F 7am-6pm
Capacity: 105 children
Discovery Time Playschool
15105 Hwy 331
Call for rates and information.
Hours: M-F 6am-5:30pm
Capacity: 58 children
Compare all schools here
Freeport Elementary School
15381 US HWY 331 S
Freeport Elementary School is an above average public school. The proficiency scores are about 23% higher than Florida average and 52% better than national average.
They have 657 students in grades PK, K-4 and a student teacher ratio of 16 to1.
Math Proficiency: 63%
Reading Proficiency: 60%
Freeport Middle School
360 Kylea Laird Dr.
Freeport Middle School is a public middle school with proficiency scores that are 8% higher than Florida’s average. This school has about 486 students in grades 5-8 with a student teacher ratio of 17 to 1.
Math Proficiency: 54%
Reading Proficiency: 55%
Freeport Senior High School
12615 US HWY 331 S
Freeport Senior High School is an above average public high school ranked #11 in Walton County and #3 in Freeport. Their proficiency scores are 8% higher than Florida’s average. There are 393 students in grades 9-12 with a student teacher ratio of 15 to 1.
Proficiency Scores:
Math Proficiency: 65%
Reading Proficiency: 52%
Graduation Rate: 87%
Average SAT (out of 1600): 1090
Average ACT (out of 36): 24
AP Enrollment: 30%
Alaqua Animal Refuge
914 Whitfield Rd., Freeport 32439
850.880.6399/ Fax: 877.880.6399
Hours/Admission: Open year-round, Sun-Sat. 12-5pm.
This refuge is the 10-acre home to over 350 animals, such as horses, donkeys, goats, cats, dogs, sheep, pigs and cows, plus many more. Visit their website or call for more information.
E.O. Wilson Biophilia Center
4956 State Hwy, East
Hours/Admission: Public admission is only during months when school is not in session, Thursday & Friday, 9am-2pm.
This center is an environmental education program for students during the school year and open to the public for special events and for members during that time. They are open to the public while school is out as stated above. Visit their site for events scheduled or call for more information.
Windswept Dunes Golf course
11 Clubhouse Drive
This 750-acre golf course includes one 18-hole, 7752 yard “demanding” championship course. These courses boast of no crowds, serene beauty and although secluded, still close to the beaches in South Walton County.
Please visit their website for fees or call for more information.
Harry A. Laird Park
601 US HWY 20
This park has some picnic tables and BBQ grills. There is a boardwalk along the creek with areas to launch a kayak and a sitting area to view the wildlife.