Shalimar has a population of 906 and is rated as one of the best places to live in Florida and has a suburban feel to it.
There are 356 housing units, of which 93% are occupied and 68% of which are single detached homes.
The average household size is 2.4 and the average family size is 3.0. The difference between household size and family size, is households are residents living together that are not related to each other.
Many young professionals, military personnel and retirees live in Shalimar, and the median age of residents is 47.6, and they tend to lean conservative.
Most residents own their home, 78% of occupied homes are homeowners.
To become a homeowner, or search for your next home, choose the following options:
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The housing data comes mostly from the 2018 American Community Survey from the Census Bureau, covering housing supply, occupancy, owner vs. renter costs and financing data and basic home characteristics.
Shalimar has 356 total housing units, with 68% of them being single detached home.
93% of home units are occupied and of those 78% are occupied with homeowners.
22% of occupied homes are renters.
Monthly Costs & Financing
The median monthly costs for homeowners in Shalimar is $1000.00, which includes mortgage, insurance, and property taxes, which the median property taxes is $2,179.
Just over half of Shalimar residents have mortgages. Those who do not have mortgages, the median monthly costs is $638.
The median monthly costs for renters in Shalimar is $1,639, with 100% of renters pay separate for their utilities.
House Values & Characteristics
The median year of houses built in Shalimar is 1990 and the median value is $266,000.
The median number of rooms in houses in Shalimar is 6.3.
The most common heating fuel used in homes is electricity at 71 %, utility gas is second with 28%.
The demographics data comes from the most recent data available from the Census Bureau released in December 2018.
The total population in Shalimar is 906.
Most residents are currently married and 27% have some college or an associates degree.
The average family size in Shalimar is 3.4 and the average household size is 2.4.
Crime rate is low. Overall it is 53% lower than national average and residents have a 1 in 78 chance of becoming a victim of any crime. Crime rates in Shalimar have decreased by 3% over the years.
Not included in this crime rate reporting is child sex offender, to check the child sex offenders, search this registry.
The local economy and labor force data comes from the most recent economic data from the 2018 Census Bureau and the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The median household income in Shalimar is $83,625 and the median per worker earnings is $57,917. The dominant sources of income comes from wages.
The median commute to work is 18 minutes and 14% of residents of Shalimar live and work in the same town they reside.
If you are new to the area, or in need of child care for the first time, the following child care services are available in Shalimar
Dimples Day Care
36 8th Street
Shalimar 32579
Hours: M-F 6am-6pm
Visit their website or call for hours, rates and more information.
Child Care Facility
Capacity: 60 children
Early Learning Coalition of the Emerald Coast
1130 N. Eglin Pkwy.
Hours: M-TH 7:30am-5:00pm, Fri 7:30am-1:30pm
Visit their website for more information and rates
Child care Facility
Shalimar United Methodist Preschool
1 Old Ferry Rd.
Visit their site for a list of programs and rates or call for more information.
Capacity: 115 children
Hill Family Day Care
85 Binnacle Ln.
Call them for more information.
Home Day care center.
Capacity: 10 children
Ruggs Family Day Care
17 Berwick Cir.
Call them for hours and rates and more information.
Home Day Care Center
Capacity: 10 Children
Compare all schools here
Shalimar Elementary School
1350 Joe Martin Circle
Fax: 850.833.4357
Shalimar Elementary is an above average public school with 660 students in grades PK-5 with a student teacher ratio of 15 to 1. They are rated #13 in best public elementary schools in Okaloosa County.
Math Proficiency: 75%
Reading Proficiency: 58%
Longwood Elementary School
50 Holly Ave.
Fax: 850.833.4336
Longwood Elementary is a public school with 651 students in grades PK-5 with a student teacher ratio of 15 to 1.
Math Proficiency: 59%
Reading Proficiency: 46%
Meigs Middle School
150 Richbourg Ave.
Fax: 850.833.9392
Meigs Middle School is an above average public middle school with 576 students in grades 6-8 with a student teacher ratio of 18 to 1. They are rated #7 in best public middle schools in Okaloosa County.
Math Proficiency: 74%
Reading Proficiency: 60%
Choctawhatchee High School
110 Racetrack Rd., NW
Fort Walton Beach 32547
Fax: 850.833.3410
Shalimar doesn’t have their own high school so the students go to Fort Walton Beach for high school.
Choctawhatchee is a public high school with 1,615 students in grades 9-12 with a student teacher ratio of 19 to 1. They are rated #4 in best public high school in Okaloosa County.
Math Proficiency: %
Reading Proficiency: %
Graduation Rate: %
Average SAT (out of 1600):
Average ACT (out of 36):
AP Enrollment: %
Cherokee Park
Fax: 850.651.3337
Cherokee park is located down the street from the Town Hall on Cherokee Road. The park amenities includes a basketball court, a volleyball court, play areas, charcoal grills, sever picnic tables, multiple benches and a walking/running path with exercise stations.
Visit their site for information to reserve a pavilion for parties ($40.00 deposit), and further information.