DeFuniak Springs has a population of 5,992, located in Walton County, Florida, and has been rated #846 in best places to live in Florida. The median age in DeFuniak Springs is 40 years and many families, young professionals and military personnel live here. In 2017, veterans who served in Vietnam made up 175 of DeFuniak Springs’ population, was 2.97 times greater than any other conflict. The median household income is $31,840 and the mean commute to work is 29 minutes, with 50% of residents both work and reside in DeFuniak Springs.
DeFuniak Springs has a suburban feel to it and the residents tend to lean conservative. The median property value is $111,400 and most families own their home with a homeownership rate of 59% with 2,990 total housing units in DeFuniak Springs.
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The following topics will be covered on this page:
The housing data comes mostly from the 2018 American Community Survey from the Census Bureau, covering housing supply, occupancy, owner vs. renter costs and financing data and basic home characteristics.
The total number of housing units for DeFuniak Springs is 2,990, with 79% occupied. Of the occupied houses, 59% are occupied with homeowners and 41% are renters.
74% of the homes in the city are single detached homes.
Monthly Costs & Financing
The media rental rate is $710.00, with 87% of renters in DeFuniak Springs pay their own utilities.
The median property taxes are $479.00.
62% of DeFuniak Springs homeowners do not have a mortgage on their homes. The monthly costs for homeowners without mortgages is $479.
House Values & Characteristics
The average number of rooms in houses are 5. The source of heating for houses here is 85% electric and 14% Natural gas.
Most of the homes in DeFuniak Springs were built in the 1970s and 1980s. The median year of homes built is 1975.
The median home value in DeFuniak Springs is $111,400.
The demographics data comes from the most recent data available from the Census Bureau released in December 2018.
The population in DeFuniak Springs is 5,992. 46% of the population is male and 54% is female. The average household size is 2.4, with the average family size being 3. The difference between household and family is those living together unrelated and those living in the same house that are related family.
The highest age group in Defuniak Springs is less than 20 years, followed by those in their 50’s. The median age is 40 years old.
The majority of the residents of DeFuniak Springs are either currently married or never have been married.
The majority of the adult residents have a high school or equivalent diploma or some college or Associate’s Degree.
According to the annual crime data, the crime rate in DeFuniak Springs is 29% lower than the state of Florida’s average and 25% lower than the national average.
The violent crimes are 13% lower rate than Florida and 7% lower than the national average. For property crime, they are 32% lower than the average for Florida and 28% lower than the national average.
Not included in this crime rate reporting is child sex offenders, to check the child sex offenders, visit this registry.
The local economy and labor force data comes from the most recent economic data from the 2018 Census Bureau and the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The current unemployment rate for DeFuniak Springs is 4%.
The total civilian labor force in DeFuniak Springs is currently 64%.
The Source of income for residents of DeFuniak Springs is overwhelmingly from wages and secondary is Investment & Retirement income.
The average Wages are $51,366 and average wages from self-employment is $30,791.
This bar graph provides information regarding the household income of those in each age category shown.
The overall median household income is $31,840, and the median work wages for residents is $29,160.
The mean commute to work is 29 minutes, with 50% of workers live and work in DeFuniak Springs.
If you are new to the area, or in need of child care for the first time, the following child care services are available here. (Please note, this is for information purposes only, it is not an endorsement of any child care facility).
Childcare Network #302
79 South 20th St.
DeFuniak Springs
850.635.0581 (call or text)
For ages 6 weeks to 12 years
Open M-F 6:30am-6pm
Child Care Facility
Capacity: 168 children
Toy Box Child Care Center
455 S. 19th Street, DeFuniak Springs
Hours: M-F 6am-5:30pm
Capacity: 51 children
Kid’s Club Childcare Center
2326 FL-83
Hours: M-F 6:30am-5:15pm, Sat 6am-6pm
Capacity: 58 children
Chatauqua Child Care Center
908 US-90 B, DeFuniak Springs
Hours: M-F 6:30am-5:30pm
New Harmony Baptist Church Preschool
2281 Co. Hwy 2-A
DeFuniak Springs 32433
Hours: M-F 6am-6pm
Religious Child Care Facility
Capacity: 48 children
Tri-County Head Start Center
268 South Davis Lane
DeFuniak 32435
Capacity: 60 Children
Rogers Family Day Care
Shelbie Court
Defuniak Springs 32433
Call for more information.
Home Day Care
Capacity: 10 children
First Christian Preschool
225 11th St.
DeFuniak Springs 32435
Hours: M-F 7am-5:30pm
Capacity: 41 children
His Kids
208 Crescent Dr.
Defuniak Springs 32435
Main Office: 850.520.4351
Hours: M-F 7am-5:15pm
Child Care facility
Capacity: 39 children
Holley Family Day Care
Twin Lake Dr.
Hours: M-F 9am-2pm
Capacity: 54 children
Roehm Preschool and After Care Center, Inc.
1595 Hwy 83N.
Serving children ages 0-12 years.
Capacity: 44 children
Bembow Family Day Care
1046 20th Street
Hours: M-Sat 12am-11:59pm
Brown Family Day Care
Miller Rd.
Defuniak Springs
Calvin Family Day Care
Roberts Drive
Hours: M-F 7am-5pm
Craig Family Day Care
242 Hill Street
Encinas Family Day Care
E. Burdick Ave
Hours: M-F 7:30am-5:30pm
Harper Family Day Care
County HWY 280 E
Phillips Family Day Care
Oakwood Lakes Blvd.
Compare all schools here
West DeFuniak Elementary
815 Lincoln Ave.
Rated #3 in best public elementary schools in Walton County. West DeFuniak Elementary is an above average school. There are 669 students in grades PK, K-5 with a student teacher ratio of 16 to 1.
Math Proficiency: 67%
Reading Proficiency: 58%
Maude Saunders Elementary
416 John Baldwin Rd.
There are 674 students in grades PK, K-5 with a student teacher ratio of 15 to 1. Maude Saunders Elementary has an average proficiency testing scores, which is lower than the Florida average.
Math Proficiency: 47%
Reading Proficiency: 44%
Mossy Head Elementary
13270 Hwy 90
West DeFuniak
Rated #5 in best public elementary in Walton County. This is an above average school with 346 students in grades PK, K-5. The student teacher ratio is 15 to 1. Their test scores are higher than the Florida average.
Math Proficiency: 62%
Reading Proficiency: 62%
Walton Middle School
605 Bruce Ave.
Walton Middle School is rated #3 in DeFuniak Springs and #12 in Walton county. Walton Middle School has 631 students in grades 6-8 with a student teacher ratio of 14 to 1. Their average proficiency test scores is higher than the Florida average.
Math Proficiency: 56%
Reading Proficiency: 45 %
Walton High School
449 Walton Road
Walton High School has 768 students in grades 9-12 with a student to teacher ratio of 16 to 1. Their test scores are lower than the Florida average.
Math Proficiency: 48%
Reading Proficiency: 51%
Average SAT (out of 1600): 1020
Average ACT (out of 36): 22
AP Enrollment: 25%
Healthmark Regional Medical Center
614 Second Street
Acute Care Hospital
This medical center if highly rated. In 2017, they received the highest rating possible from the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare providers and Systems for inpatient care. They are ranked #2 in the State of Florida for patient satisfaction and #1 in the state for the cleanest rooms and bathrooms.
Lakewood Park
2759 North County HWY 285 Defuniak 32433
Open Daily from Dawn to Dusk, free admission.
Home of Florida's Highest Point, Elevation 345ft. Features Pavillions, Picnic tables, restrooms, walking trail/path.
Defuniak Springs Country Club/Golf Course:
171 Country Club Ln.
Golf lovers that want a challenge would love to play at this Country Club. They have a golf course with 18 holes and the oldest and most difficult course in the panhandle of Florida.
There are 5 spring-fed lakes, 23 sand traps and trees, brush and flowering bushes.
Chautauqua Vineyards & Winery
364 Hugh Adams Road
Open 9am-5pm daily
This winery produces wine from muscadine grapes and have been doing it since 1990. They offer free tours of their 50 acre vineyard and wine tasting 7 days a week. They also allow customers to pick their own grapes in season for free.
Walton County Heritage Museum
1140 Circle Drive
Located inside the former L&N Train Depot on Circle historical DeFuniak Springs
Admission is Free, limited hours: 1-4pm Tues-Sat
This is a historic railroad depot. Visit their site for more details.
Lake Stanley Park
271 Shoemaker Drive DeFuniak Springs 32433
The Lake Stanley Park is located in the Northwest portion of DeFuniak Springs on Shoemaker Drive. The park consists of an open swimming area, boat ramp, swing sets, slide, eight covered picnic tables, two un-covered picnic tables, restroom facilities, a fishing pier, and several open areas. The park connects to over 100 acres of open water.